Baikal Lake
Pearl of Siberia
Season 2024

Baikal Lake
Pearl of Siberia
Season 2024

Baikal Lake
Pearl of Siberia
Season 2024

If you love nature, Baikal lake is the perfect place for your travel! Here you’ll see the real Siberian forest and crystal clear water of the biggest lake in the world.
In the past thousand years, the lake has developed its ecosystem – here live plants and animals, which you will not find anywhere else in the world.
Baikal is a fascinating place for tourists traveling to see wildlife, but it is also famous for unique nature sights. You will be amazed by their beauty and ancient legends from times nobody remembers.
So, if you want to see something you’ve never seen before — welcome to Baikal!
If you love nature, Baikal lake is the perfect place for your travel! Here you’ll see the real Siberian forest and crystal clear water of the biggest lake in the world.
In the past thousand years, the lake has developed its ecosystem – here live plants and animals, which you will not find anywhere else in the world.
Baikal is a fascinating place for tourists traveling to see wildlife, but it is also famous for unique nature sights. You will be amazed by their beauty and ancient legends from times nobody remembers.
So, if you want to see something you’ve never seen before — welcome to Baikal!
If you love nature, Baikal lake is the perfect place for your travel! Here you’ll see the real Siberian forest and crystal clear water of the biggest lake in the world.
In the past thousand years, the lake has developed its ecosystem – here live plants and animals, which you will not find anywhere else in the world.
Baikal is a fascinating place for tourists traveling to see wildlife, but it is also famous for unique nature sights. You will be amazed by their beauty and ancient legends from times nobody remembers.
So, if you want to see something you’ve never seen before — welcome to Baikal!
Baikal independent trips
There are three ways to discover Baikal by your own:
Baikal independent trips
There are three ways to discover Baikal by your own:

Baikal independent trips
There are three ways to discover Baikal by your own:
Baikal Sights
We divided Baikal tourist attractions into two parts: Baikal tourist routes are the first, and Baikal tourist cities are the second.
Scroll down to learn more about Baikal tourist routes and cities.
First, click a route title to read a short description. Then, a green button below opens a page with an article about the route. The text gives you complete info about the walking trail, its sights, photos, and so on.
Let us start from the Baikal walking trails.
Baikal Sights
We divided Baikal tourist attractions into two parts: Baikal tourist routes are the first, and Baikal tourist cities are the second.
Scroll down to learn more about Baikal tourist routes and cities.
First, click a route title to read a short description. Then, a green button below opens a page with an article about the route. The text gives you complete info about the walking trail, its sights, photos, and so on.
Let us start from the Baikal walking trails.
Tourist cities and trails
Baikal Sights
We divided Baikal tourist attractions into two parts: Baikal tourist routes are the first, and Baikal tourist cities are the second.
Scroll down to learn more about Baikal tourist routes and cities.
First, click a route title to read a short description. Then, a green button below opens a page with an article about the route. The text gives you complete info about the walking trail, its sights, photos, and so on.
Let us start from the Baikal walking trails.
Baikal Tourist Cities
Baikal Tourist Cities
Baikal Tourist Cities

Baikal Weather
In winter
The average temperature in winter is 15-25 degrees below zero. In the coldest winter months, the air temperature can drop to -40 and even lower! On average, it lasts for one or two weeks. In any case, we advise you always to dress as warmly as possible. Otherwise, the cold wind of Baikal will immediately remind you that you are in Siberia!
In summer
Summer on Baikal is full of warm and sunny days! As a rule, the temperature at the lake is slightly lower than in Irkutsk and fluctuates around 20-30 degrees Celsius. However, do not forget that you are in Siberia! Even on the hottest day, it is better to take a light jacket with you to protect against the wind.
Если вы любите дикую природу, прогулки по узким лесным тропинкам и отдых у воды — отправляйтесь на Байкал! Здесь вас ждут настоящая сибирская тайга и кристально чистая вода крупнейшего озера на планете. Столетние лиственницы, байкальские нерпы — мир животных и растений озера в буквальном смысле неповторимы, их можно увидеть только на Байкале и больше нигде в мире.
Помимо животных-эндемиков, вы увидите памятники природы, от которых захватывает дух. Они поражают своей неповторимостью и красотой, а от некоторых из них веет чем-то настолько древним и сильным, что вам поневоле становится не по себе.
Одним словом, если вы хотите увидеть что-то новое — приезжайте к нам на Байкал! Вы испытаете уникальный опыт и впечатления, которые останутся с вами на всю жизнь!
Baikal Tourist Map
Baikal Weather
In winter
The average temperature in winter is 15-25 degrees below zero. In the coldest winter months, the air temperature can drop to -40 and even lower! On average, it lasts for one or two weeks. In any case, we advise you always to dress as warmly as possible. Otherwise, the cold wind of Baikal will immediately remind you that you are in Siberia!
In summer
Summer on Baikal is full of warm and sunny days! As a rule, the temperature at the lake is slightly lower than in Irkutsk and fluctuates around 20-30 degrees Celsius. However, do not forget that you are in Siberia! Even on the hottest day, it is better to take a light jacket with you to protect against the wind.

What stuff should I take on Baikal?
Some travelers have no idea what awaits them at their journey destination point. Indeed, local culture and climate peculiarities can come as a surprise to an unprepared tourist!
There is a separate page, where you can learn local customs, as well as find out what you will need in terms of clothing and equipment for a comfortable and productive trip to Baikal!
Baikal Weather
In winter
The average temperature in winter is 15-25 degrees below zero. In the coldest winter months, the air temperature can drop to -40 and even lower! On average, it lasts for one or two weeks. In any case, we advise you always to dress as warmly as possible. Otherwise, the cold wind of Baikal will immediately remind you that you are in Siberia!
In summer
Summer on Baikal is full of warm and sunny days! As a rule, the temperature at the lake is slightly lower than in Irkutsk and fluctuates around 20-30 degrees Celsius. However, do not forget that you are in Siberia! Even on the hottest day, it is better to take a light jacket with you to protect against the wind.

What stuff should I take on Baikal?
Some travelers have no idea what awaits them at their journey destination point. Indeed, local culture and climate peculiarities can come as a surprise to an unprepared tourist!
There is a separate page, where you can learn local customs, as well as find out what you will need in terms of clothing and equipment for a comfortable and productive trip to Baikal!

What stuff should I take on Baikal?
Some travelers have no idea what awaits them at their journey destination point. Indeed, local culture and climate peculiarities can come as a surprise to an unprepared tourist!
There is a separate page, where you can learn local customs, as well as find out what you will need in terms of clothing and equipment for a comfortable and productive trip to Baikal!
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